Server-side Integration Examples

A list of GitHub repositories showing examples of integration with a wide variety of server-side languages and platforms, including JavaScript, Python, Java, and many others.

UI Examples

Below are a set of UX patterns implemented in htmx with minimal HTML and styling.

You can copy and paste them and then adjust them for your needs.

Pattern Description
Click To Edit Demonstrates inline editing of a data object
Bulk Update Demonstrates bulk updating of multiple rows of data
Click To Load Demonstrates clicking to load more rows in a table
Delete Row Demonstrates row deletion in a table
Edit Row Demonstrates how to edit rows in a table
Lazy Loading Demonstrates how to lazy load content
Inline Validation Demonstrates how to do inline field validation
Infinite Scroll Demonstrates infinite scrolling of a page
Active Search Demonstrates the active search box pattern
Progress Bar Demonstrates a job-runner like progress bar
Value Select Demonstrates making the values of a select dependent on another select
Animations Demonstrates various animation techniques
File Upload Demonstrates how to upload a file via ajax with a progress bar
Dialogs - Browser Demonstrates the prompt and confirm dialogs
Dialogs - UIKIt Demonstrates modal dialogs using UIKit
Dialogs - Bootstrap Demonstrates modal dialogs using Bootstrap
Dialogs - Custom Demonstrates modal dialogs from scratch
Tabs (Using HATEOAS) Demonstrates how to display and select tabs using HATEOAS principles
Tabs (Using Hyperscript) Demonstrates how to display and select tabs using Hyperscript
Keyboard Shortcuts Demonstrates how to create keyboard shortcuts for htmx enabled elements
Sortable Demonstrates how to use htmx with the Sortable.js plugin to implement drag-and-drop reordering
Updating Other Content Demonstrates how to update content beyond just the target elements
Confirm Demonstrates how to implement a custom confirmation dialog with htmx

Migrating from Hotwire / Turbo ?

For common practices see the Hotwire / Turbo to htmx Migration Guide.